Irrespective of how stable and secure an Internet hosting service is, an issue could always show up with your sites. An update might go wrong and you can lose vital info, you could delete a file or a whole folder in error or somebody may get unauthorized access to your account. In any one of these cases a backup of your content will be a guarantee that the sites can easily be restored the way they were before the predicament showed up. The problem with the majority of hosting platforms and Control Panels is that backups are created once per day and every new backup overwrites the previous one, thus if you notice that something is wrong with your website several days later, it will most likely be far too late to restore anything and you will end up losing the data. To protect yourself from this type of a problem, we've developed an innovative backup system that will permit you not only to restore your files easily, but also to pick the date when the backup was generated.

Browsable Daily Backups in Shared Hosting

The backups are available with all shared hosting plans that we offer and they will provide you with much more security when compared with what other firms typically offer because they're made four times daily and we keep them for the next 1 week. Our custom hosting platform will permit you to sort through all backups easily through the File Manager section of your Hepsia Control Panel like you are browsing standard folders in your account, so you shall be able to view what content we have constantly. To restore a specific file or folder, you just have to copy it from the backup directory to the live domain directory, which is a thing an individual without any experience can perform with a few clicks. The timestamp of each and every backup folder will let you know when it was made, so that you can restore the exact data that you need. With this service, your sites will be secure all of the time and you shall never lose any important info.

Browsable Daily Backups in Dedicated Hosting

If you go for any one of our semi-dedicated servers, our system will produce backups of any content which you create or upload by default. This happens four times every day at regular intervals and the backups are kept for a minimum of one week as to ensure that if you need an older backup, we shall have it. We have enhanced this feature even more since we have made it possible to browse all available backups like standard folders in the File Manager of the hosting CP. This will provide you with more control over your sites given that you'll be able to see when every one of the backups has been made and you can restore any file or folder by copying it to the active domain directory within your account. Of course, our tech support team can help you with that, but in the event that you need anything to be restored immediately, you won't have to lose time. With our backup service, you won't need to be concerned about losing vital data even in the event that you discover that you need it a couple of days later.