Managed Services

  • Monitoring & Rebooting
  • Monitoring & Rebooting

  • Controlling a Virtual Private Server is a tough job. You either have to do the job on your own and dedicate your valuable time to watching over your VPS, or else you need to deploy a 3rd–party tool whose sole task will be to keep an eye on your virtual server. And that is precisely where our Managed Services solution can comes in real handy. Thanks to it, your VPS server will be included in our own custom–built server managing software system, which will keep an eye on all the crucial processes. And in the event of any service trouble, our skilled server administrators will be warned momentarily and they will solve the matter as quickly as possible.

  • Backup Space (50 GB)
  • Weekly Backups

  • When you run a popular site or a resource–heavy web app, it’s important to keep a complete back–up copies of everything. Yet, configuring an automatic backup solution can be difficult. For this reason, our company offers you our Managed Services package – we promise to maintain a complete backup of your Linux VPS plan, not just of your websites and data, but also all the custom configuration settings that you have added. Our backup scripts run each week, retaining all the modifications that you have made during that period.

  • Installation & Troubleshooting
  • Installation & Troubleshooting

  • Using a VPS Plan, you have full freedom to install any kind of script or service on your it. Yet, certain scripts are harder to run and might require some extra configuration from you. That’s where our Managed Services option will help you out. It includes 30 min of installation & trouble–shooting duties – this means that you will be able to basically hire one of our qualified server admins for thirty minutes and have him help you with the installation of any kind of software app that you desire. And/or have him rectify a trouble that you’re experiencing with your Virtual Private Server.

    The Managed Services solution comes bundled with the majority of our OpenVZ VPS Plans and is an optional feature for the KVM VPS Plans.

Available with all of our VPS Servers